31 August 2005

The company did its merger today. And so I (and our lead
engineer, and a recently-hired other engineer, and a mechanical
engineer) got canned. Got a month salary.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, Plan an invasion, Butcher a hog, Con a ship, Design a building, Write a sonnet, Balance accounts, Build a wall, Set a bone, Comfort the dieing, Take orders, Give orders, Cooperate, Act Alone, Solve Equations, Analyze a new problem, Pitch manure, Program a computer, Cook a tasty Meal, Fight efficiently, Die Gallantly.Specialization is for insects! Robert Heinlen.

Went downstairs, heard singing in the bathroom. The kid (almost 6)
was using a plunger in the toilet. No need to, but doing it still.

The market is supposed to be ok, so we'll see. The best part is
that more qualified (the lead engineer) were fired (RIF'd (reduction
in force) = laid off) too, so I'm not taking it personally. I'm very
rejection sensitive, actually. I did get spoiled on the 10 minute
commute, but we'll see.