15 October 2005

A very good website is www.antiwar.com.

Personally I think when DC gets nuked, it earned it, plus it gives America a fresh start.

The thing Americans still have realized, even after 9/11 and Spain and the "Tube" bombers,
is that Even Bullies Must Sleep. This is when you burn their house down. (This is natural law
if there is no government and police to protect citizens. You also get massive blood feuds if
justice is not served; look at Yugoslavia. This is what anarchists (typically teenagers rebelling)
don't realize, is that they're slaves or worse when gangs take over when government falls.
Government has a place, protecting citizens against coercion (and fraud); and nothing else is
the government's job, despite what socialists say.


It gets me that dividing the US into separate nations is politically dead. Its clear that culturally
the US is e.g., rural vs. urban, or east vs. west coast, or north vs. south. There is nothing sacred
about the US, folks have the right to choose their own destiny. No one cried when the Soviet Union
let satellite regions go free; why not give the US the same freedom?

Maybe 2 decades ago, I called NPR and gave my opinion on splitting California between North
and South (which makes sense culturally, economically, etc.) I said that freedom requires the
ability to divorce; that the USSR had split; why not California. This got national airplay, they
used to play phoned-in opinions as part of their (news?) broadcasts.


Speaking of slavery, why don't American negroes realize that Europeans didn't have slavery *until*
they went to Africa, where the European merchants *bought* African slaves from other Africans?
But American negro culture likes to blame Europeans and reify Africa. And then beg or rob Europeans.
Starving Africans (yawn) are Africans fault. Look at Zimbabwe. Look at the population growth
in Africa. Giving them food (including the 'green revolution' tech of the past) just puts gasoline on
the fire. Give them birth-control!

Of course, Malthus rules, and in addition to the self-inflicted famines & wars, Nature found some
simian virii to control the population. Ok, retrovirii.

And a good one, too: a long, asymptomatic incubation period. And the ability of the retrovirus to insert
into the human genome. Monkeys is monkeys.

Hey "Magic Johnson": Is it in you? (Paraphrasing a gatorade slogan)


Mix "12 Monkeys" and "Dr. Strangelove"... you get smallpox... a decent doomsday bomb, but
one that won't fade like radioisotopes of Cobalt eventually do..

Too many goddamn monkeys, the planet's infested with them.


What will it take to quarantine Africa? Ebola in New York? Think of the impact on real-estate prices!