20 August 2007

So Allan Stokke is still worried about his attractive daughter Allison Stokke's pictures on the web.

She was ripe at 17 and posed sexually in public events in skimpy clothes. What does
s/he expect?

Allan is no angel himself. He defends teachers who rape children
and recently defended the ex VP's son who was driving at 100mph on
a public freeway. http://www.ocregister.com/news/gore-program-drug-1791331-less-niguel

( Albert Arnold Gore III can be forgiven for being stoned, having an idiot father and
fascist & manic depressive mother (who founded the anti-american PMRC)
but not for driving too fast.)

And then there's esquire Allan's defense of an Irvine cop
David Alex Park who raped someone he pulled over after stalking her

Personally I think Allison needs to be videotaped or photographed with an infrared sensitive camera. And daddy can't do squat about it.