01 December 2010

"He is a lovely boy, very sensitive, good with animals, quiet and has a wicked sense of humour," she said.

What more can you say of someone? Really?

A hero. An AMERICAN HERO. Heh.

Not like the stupid colonial mercs.

Can you HANDLE the TRUTH, dumbshit prole americans?


Theist monsters.

The government is not your herdsman, you are not their livestock. The government exists only to defend you from outsiders and allow recompense and prosecutation againsty fraudulent or violent insiders. It does not exist to create jobs, occupy distant lands, entangle with foreign governments (see the opinions of G. Washinton, Genl, ret), teach, build, subsidize, regulate, etc.

Not morally, not constitutionally, not legally, not ethically.

Might may make right for a while, but bullies sleep, and glass empires shouldn't fly dfrones.

And 3e6 SIPR accounts? You've GOT to be kidding me. Secrets beyond two are not secrets.

Can't wait for a higher access level patriot with a thumb drive.

Everyone can publish, and republish, for free. Welcome to the 21st. And you can publish anonymously.

Kinda hard to keep secrets if both fnord parties aren't similarly motivated.

Maybe you should enjoy the sunshine.